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This is the frontend store of the development taking place for XBMC on ARM based devices.

Never have there been a greater choice of media center orientated low-end devices, and never have it been harder to find the right one. What we focus on is this:

We want devices that most people can afford. This also means that if you are looking for support for 3D and digital surround sound. You need to look in another price range.

When keeping the price low. There is certain functions that we will have to give up. 3D and Digital audio is a few of them. What we can offer is what sets the devices apart from most of the competition: Hardware accelerated video playback. Most Android powered Media Center sticks and boxes offer various different builds of XBMC, and are having a hard time keeping up with functionality and hardware requirements of XBMC. The devices you find here offers 1080p full HD playback with hardware accelerated video playback and enough oomph to use something like the awesome Aeon Nox skin for XBMC.

How it works.
Now even though we use the word "store", we are not really a store. We offer direct access to manufactures of low-end devices in China that offers the hardware needed to use for the XBMC port. We direct your purchase to work as a community mass purchase. That way the price stays low, the shipping stays free, but you will have to wait 4-6 weeks before your device arrives however. This is due to bulk purchasing will have to await orders to accumulate to a given number before they will be placed, and the free shipping uses the regular chinese postal system that have a low proirity in contrast to other shipping methods.

This way of bulk purchasing also means that we are NOT in any way, shape or form responsible for your purchased device. We have yet to encounter any cases of faulty hardware, and at this point we have processed and directed a few thousands orders. So the odds are in your favor.

However we cannot stress this enough. We, as a community makes this offer to our users and developers. We are NOT a business. We do NOT have warehouses. We are NOT responsible for anything that could go wrong with your purchase or the shipping of your device. We are NOT responsible of your girlfriend leaving you, the world ending or you trying to flash windows 95 to your device. The bullet point here is that we offer you a good deal. But want nothing to do with it.

The IKEA model.
The devices ship with Android on them, and you have to flash the Linux based XBMC build onto the device yourself. Luckily that is just about the easiest thing in the world, and can be done in 5 minutes using the simple guide on the site.

In case you want to pay for faster shipping please contact us for options and price.


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